Thursday, 25 October 2018

Poem of the day: Pieces of the past by Gideon Nwaikwu

-------pieces of the past-------


There is a place for the past. ,
Flooded in time, and fleeting distance.,
Where  sad realities fade  fast.,
Like music's sodding resonance.


There is the grief for the past. ,
Though hidden from the eye.,
Were  fake smiles stood  against the blast.,
of one and only life.,


There is a feeling for the past. ,
That impatient autumnal feverish feeling. ,
Were what will love meet what we lost. ,
With one drop of tear and sighing.,


There are regrets from the past. ,
i dare not talk of it.,
For the heart we bare is but a bag.,
that hides our saddest thought.


There is no end to sad things. ,
Beneath the wicked sun.,
Sweet things  must rest in peace. ,
For sweeter things to be born.,


but the past knows too many sad story. .
on its sullen shelves.,
Were  forlorn library's history .,
Have set men against themselves.


   "The past breathes"

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