Thursday, 8 November 2018

Poem of the day - crowded life by Gideon Nwaikwu

--------- crowded life- -----


  Bitter surprise, you grasp nothing. ,
Having sweated from morn to night. ,
a weary creature, now panting. ,
With naught to show for it.


Littered on the floor  of youth,
Are The porcelain jars of life..,
a thousand, thousand unkept dreams,
Fate of a crowded life!


You stood on focus' broken  foot,
And sail on the sea of doubt. ,
and wear colors of confusion,
on the race of a crowded life!


a million umpires by the side. ,
 cheering fans ,and jeering foes,
success flaunt as the perfect  bride ,,
  Failure is a woe.


i know a crowded life. ,
Were nothing seems to grieve. ,
Whose soul in silence weep all night. ,
Before the morning light,


it grieve and weep for leafy trees. ,
That will not learn to fruit,
it sobs in solemn agony,
For the span of wasted youth.


a Crowded life stands on the grave of  dreams, 
a crowded life flies on broken wings,
 It builts her nest on facile fames.,

 Crowded is a wilted life. ,
Amidst the cheer of friends. ,
Even a  rose can save her bloom,
Amidst the torid breeze of   eve,


 Crowded is Grey hair with regret. ,
Handful of dead friends to blame?
a crowded life, a crowded life. ,
The price of empty fame.

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